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There are several different subclasses of visitor visas and the requirements for each vary depending on several factors.
The subclass 601 visa, otherwise known as an Electronic Travel Authority, allows citizens from various countries to apply online for an electronic visa to travel to Australia for tourism or business purposes. This visa can be automatically granted if you meet certain requirements and can either be applied for via an app, a travel agent, airline or the Department of Home Affairs. This visa is granted for 12 months with three month stays on each visit. Keep in mind, even though it is electronically granted, you may still be asked questions on arrival in Australia regarding your visit in Australia.
The subclass 651 e-visitor visa is similar to the ETA and is available to citizens of certain countries. Much like the subclass 601 visa, the subclass 651 visa is often auto-granted, but not always. It may be assessed by a case officer and therefore should not be relied upon to be granted immediately. This visa is granted for 12 months with three month stays on each visit.
The subclass 600 visa is an assessed visitor or business visitor visa. There are several streams including the Tourist Stream, Sponsored Family Visitor Stream and Business Visitor Stream.
Your reason for travel will determine which stream you apply for. The Business Visitor stream may be appropriate for attending meetings or a conference, but not for conducting paid work. Although you may be visiting family in Australia, you may decide to apply for the Tourist Stream as opposed to the Family Sponsored Visitor Stream.
The length of stay for any of these streams will be determined by a case officer and will vary depending on your circumstances. There is a genuineness criteria you will need to meet which will look at your incentive to travel and also return to your home country. The subclass 600 visa is not a straightforward process as you are attempting to satisfy an officer that you are a genuine visitor to Australia. This requires knowledge and experience in the process and our Senior Migration Agent not only has experience assisting visitors obtain visitor visas to Australia, but has also granted, refused and cancelled countless visitor visas during her time as an officer at the Department of Home Affairs. Although we cannot guarantee a positive outcome, we use our experience to assist you in this complex and highly subjective process.
There are mandatory conditions placed on all visitor visas, including a maximum of three months of study and either no work or business visitor activities only. However, on the subclass 600 visas there may be an 8503, No Further Stay, condition placed which means you are limited in visas that you can apply for once you arrive in Australia unless you obtain a waiver of this condition. This condition is mandatory for the Family Sponsored Visitor Visa Stream.
Christie Migration Agents can guide you on the correct visa subclass and stream for your needs, and explain the conditions that may accompany those visas.
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